The 2022 National Social Cohesion and Inclusion Conference entitled Shaping our future together, was the fourth annual conference hosted by the Australian Baha’i Community. These conferences aim to be an ongoing space to explore the various settings, approaches, and methods that help to foster greater social cohesion and inclusion in Australia. They are opportunities for those who are thinking deeply about the progress of our country to deliberate, learn, share ideas and reflect on experience.
The 2022 conference honoured and celebrated the thousands of well-wishers of humanity who came together at more than 85 of The World Conferences in Australia to deliberate on the material, social and spiritual progress of our country and steps to traverse the obstacles impeding social cohesion. A report capturing their consulations was formally presented and deliberated on.
The opening evening saw formal addresses and the presentation of the report.
This was followed by cultural and artistic performances celebrating our cohesion, diversity and the oneness of humanity, and time for networking.
The full-day conference sessions included keynote presentations, panels and small group consultations where civil society leaders and representatives deliberated further on this report and consulted on steps to strengthen social cohesion. Themes for 2022 included:
A vision of social cohesion in Australia
The distance traversed: Community, Mass Media and Government Institutions
Obstacles impeding further progress
Glimpses of Social Transformation: Experiences from organisations and communities.
Keynote Speaker
Hugh Mackay AO - Social Researcher and Author
Presenters and Panelists
Aleem Ali - CEO, Welcoming Australia
Vic Alhadeff - SBS Board of Directors
Tessa Scrine - Member, Continental Board of Counsellors in Australasia
Dr Chrisanthi Giotis - Lecturer in Journalism & Writing, UniSA
Ruha Fifita - Artist, Choreographer and Cultural Ambassador, Ivi Projects
Cultural and Artistic Performances
Doonoosh - Aboriginal Dance Company
Manifold - Hip Hop Group
Pupil - Singer/Songwriter