The Australian Bahá'í Community would like to share its new webpage called "The Journey So Far." This page aims will be updated regularly to capture the ongoing development of the Creating an Inclusive Narrative Project including the following:
Pictures of the many roundtables that are taking place in diverse physical and virtual settings around the country.
New podcasts from the Inclusive Narrative roundtables. These podcasts convey some of the thoughts, insights and experiences to advance social cohesion from participants at the roundtables.
Practical suggestions and ideas for moving social cohesion forward, as shared by roundtable participants, will be listed as pathways for action for those who wish to apply the insights learned.
This project aims to bring together representatives from a range of backgrounds and sections of society into a shared conversation about who we are as a people, the values which will help us strengthen social cohesion, a vision of a socially cohesive society, and how we could work towards it.
The project began last year, dozens of roundtables have been held to date and expanding to centres across the country. It has two main goals, one being that, in bringing people into a shared conversation, it will be unifying process in itself. The other goal is to distill and synthesise from the many roundtables the most prevalent or most unifying insights, into a formal document which is an effort to articulate our common humanity and values which will strengthen social cohesion and inclusion in our country into the future.
The formal document is intended to be a collective distillation of what has been shared through the many roundtable across the country. We are aiming to produce the first iteration of the document with the help of an advisory board by October 2020, and to offer it to the country as a framework which individuals, government, and organisations can draw on as they find it valuable to do so.